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Overview of Compensation Actions

Below is a list of compensation actions, definitions and guidelines. Consult with HRPC-North regarding compensation or employment actions not listed. The Organization Head or designee may approve equity increases not to exceed 15% in the rolling 12 month period, and 25% in the fiscal year.

For more information regarding UCLA Procedure 30, please visit:

Equity Increases

  • Increases must be within the existing salary range of the classification. Any requests beyond the maximum salary range must be submitted to Campus Human Resources for review.
  • Equity increases in a rolling 12 month period may not exceed 15%. Any requests beyond the 15% must be submitted to Campus Human Resources for review.
  • Retroactivity requests require justification and must be submitted to Campus Human Resources for review.
  • Increases for represented employees must be submitted to Campus Human Resources for review.
  • Cumulative equity increases within a fiscal year may not exceed 25%. Any requests beyond the 25% must be submitted to Campus Human Resources for review.
  • Consult with the HRPOC-North prior to initiating a transaction involving salary increases in order to ensure policy compliance

Submitting to HRPOC-North for processing:

Prepare and submit a completed Equity Increase PAF to HRPOC-North for processing. For any exceptions to policy, also attach the email approval notice from CHR Compensation. Lastly, any increases to base salary require an accompanying notification letter to the employee that should include the following information:

  • Effective date of the increase
  • New resulting salary (hourly rate for non-exempt employees, or annual rate for exempt employees)

Please consult with HRPOC-North regarding any questions about the notification letter.

Administrative Stipend

Employees may be paid an administrative stipend for a temporary increase in responsibility as required by departmental needs. Qualifying assignments typically involve duties at a higher grade or classification or a complex project that requires a higher level of analysis and independence.

  • Stipends may not exceed a period of 12 months. If the stipend request is longer in duration, an exception request must be submitted in the Bruin CHR Service Center.
  • Stipend amounts may not exceed 15% of an employee’s base salary. If the stipend request is more than 15%, an exception request must be submitted in the Bruin CHR Service Center.
  • Stipends are paid at a fixed bi-weekly or monthly rate.
  • Stipend requests for staff represented by a collective bargaining agreement must be submitted via the Bruin CHR Service Center
  • Retroactive stipends requests must be submitted via the Bruin CHR Service Center
  • Stipend + Base Salary may not be more than the range maximum of title within the Title Code System


Submitting to HRPC-North for processing:

Prepare and submit a completed Administrative Stipend PAF to HRPC-North for processing. For any exceptions to policy, also attach the email approval notice from CHR Compensation.


Positions are classified based upon the duties and responsibilities assigned and exercised. As job duties and responsibilities change, the position may warrant reclassification. Requests for reclassification are reviewed when permanent and substantial changes in job duties occur. Common examples include:

  • Changes in the scope, nature, variety, and complexity of work performed
  • Changes in supervision received
  • Changes in supervision exercised

Work volume and job performance DO NOT justify reclassification. Reclassified positions typically retain the majority (50% or more) of their prior job duties and also assume additional duties. Classification review may result in a higher, same or lower classification change.

When preparing a reclassification request, consider the following questions:

  • What major changes in duties and responsibilities have occurred?
  • What skills and knowledge are required to perform assigned duties?
  • What is the relationship of this position to others in the unit?
  • What primary areas of responsibility are assigned to the position now?
  • How does the position compare to similar positions elsewhere?
  • Is this a supervisory position?
  • With what degree of independence does this position operate?
  • What guidelines are used in the performance of duties?
  • What level of innovation is required?

Reclassification requests must be submitted in PeopleAdmin for approval.

Once Campus Human Resources approves the request, please submit the following to HRPC-North for processing:

Prepare and submit a completed Reclassification PAF to HRPC-North for processing. Attach the following to the PAF:

  • Email Approval notice from CHR Compensation
  • Updated job description signed by employee
  • Memo/letter to employee stating the changes

Additional Employment

Additional employment occurs when a part-time employee is hired to an additional job in a different position or department. The combined percentage between all jobs may not exceed 100%. Contact the HRPCN before initiating or agreeing to additional employment for career employees.

Dual Status

Dual employment occurs when a full‐time employee is hired to perform additional work in a different position or department. The home department must agree to the terms of dual employment and approval must be obtained from Campus Human Resources. Contact the HRPCN prior to initiating the dual status process.