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Timekeeping and Attendance Systems

For more information on the different Time and Attendance systems used within our departments, please proceed to their respective pages below:

Telecommuting Agreement


Department heads may approve telecommuting arrangements as an alternative work arrangement for individual employees where it is in the best interest of the University and the employee. The arrangements should be assessed prior to approval to ensure that operational needs and impact are taken into account. The following guidelines are outlined to help managers, supervisors and employees develop telecommuting arrangements that are equitable, clearly understood by all parties and ensure minimal disruption to the organization. Managers, supervisors and employees are expected to follow these principles in establishing and approving telecommuting arrangements.

Note: Telecommuting is an optional arrangement set up by individual departments. This option may not be available at every department. Please speak to your department head prior to submitting any telecommuting agreement form.


Telecommuting is a work arrangement in which an employee regularly performs work at an alternative or an off-campus site for a specified portion of the workweek. (Field stations or sub locations are established permanent work sites for groups of employees within a department and are not considered telecommuting locations.) Occasional or temporary work off-site, including for example work while traveling on University business or remote monitoring of IT systems, does not constitute telecommuting and does not require the formal arrangement described in these guidelines.


To review the Campus Human Resource’s guidelines on telecommuting agreements, please follow the link below:

UCLA Staff Employee Telecommuting Guidelines

Telecommuting Agreement

The following Telecommuting Agreement form is provided for departmental use. This form should be completed, signed and dated by the employee, the supervisor and the department head or designee. A copy should be given to the employee and the original should be kept in the employee’s personnel file.

Telecommuting Agreement Form