Collective Bargaining Agreements//= Titles\title(); ?>
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AFSCME (SX) Contract
This labor agreement covers employees in the Service Unit, for instance custodial and food service staff. Please click the button located below for more information.
Teamsters-Clerical (CX) Contract
This labor agreement covers employees in the Clerical Unit, for example: Administrative Assistants, Clerks, and Teachers. Please click the button located below for more information.
Teamsters-Skilled Trades (K4) Contract
This labor agreement covers employees in the skills trades, for example: Facilities Mechanics, Painters, Electricians, etc. Please click the button located below for more information.
UPTE (TX) Contract
This labor agreement covers employees in technical positions, for example Computer Resource Spec. II. Please click the button located below for more information.
Employees not covered by a Collective Bargaining agreement
Employees not covered by a Collective Bargaining agreement as the ones listed above, are covered by the Personnel Policies for Staff Members (PPSM). Typically this will include employees in management and supervisory positions.