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Parking/Accessing Campus

What are the different commute options at UCLA?

Please refer to the Commute Options page on the Transportation website for all available options and current program information. Utilizing alternative modes of transportation make you eligible for Bruin Commuter Club benefits! For more information, click on the the button below or contact the Bruin Commuter Services Team at (310) 794-7433.

Bruin Commuter Club

Who is eligible for parking?

Parking allocations are available to all staff employees.

What is the process to receive a valid parking permit?

The process to receive a valid parking permit is as follows:

  1. Each department has a commute coordinator(s). The commute coordinator for your area will email Transportation Services requesting approval for a parking allocation in a parking structure where spots are available based on your work schedule provided during your new hire paperwork appointment.
  2. Once Transportation Services provides their approval, you will receive a completed parking application and parking deduction authorization form (if eligible) from the commute coordinator that is assigned to your department (the names of the commute coordinators are listed below). Note that limited appointment employees are eligible for short term parking and are not eligible for automatic parking deduction.
  3. You will need to turn in the application and payroll deduction authorization form (if applicable) to Transportation Services for processing. Transportation Services is located on 555 Westwood Plaza. Hours of operation: Mon.-Fri 7:45am-5:00pm. The phone Number: (310) 206-3884.
  4. If you are eligible for a quarterly pass, you will be paying the parking costs up front. If you are eligible for an annual pass, you will be paying the parking costs through the parking payroll deduction process. Please ask your commute coordinator or a representative at the HRPCN for more information.
  5. Finally, you will be issued a parking permit and access card by Transportation Services. Note that the parking permit and access card are NOT transferrable and there is a replacement charge if they are lost.

Who is my commute coordinator?

Parking applications can be obtained from your parking/commute coordinator. All requests and inquiries should be directed to your department’s parking coordinator (listed below).

  • Housing & Hospitality Services, please contact the HRPCN (310) 825-5951
  • Information Technology Services, please contact Jerry Diaz (310) 206-4408
  • Campus Human Resources, please contact Yuri Uehara (310) 794-0806
  • Wilshire Center Building Parking & Lot 35, please contact David Ghatan (310) 794-0671
  • Early Care & Education, please contact Lisa Froid (310) 825-9992
  • Corporate Financial Services, please contact Melanie Smith (310) 794-8686
  • Chancellor’s Organization/Geffen Academy, please contact Linda Hsu at (310) 825-4633

What is the cost of a parking permit?

The cost of parking may vary each year. Please refer to the UCLA Transportation website for more information.

Transportation website – Rates

Will my parking lot be near my work location?

We do our best to assign parking in lots closest to your work location, but the assignment is based on availability. We assign parking based on a first come first serve basis.

Who is responsible for paying the daily permit charge before receiving a parking space?

The employee is responsible for paying the daily permit charge for parking. Transportation Services will reimburse the employee for up to 2 days of parking when purchased at the parking kiosks located on campus. You must present the receipts along with your parking application in order for Transportation Services to reimburse you.

What about parking permits for UCLA Emeriti and Staff Retirees?

UCLA Emeriti and Staff Retirees with over 5 years of service are eligible for Emeriti or Staff Retiree parking.

Please click the button below to visit the Transportation website for more information.

Transportation website – Parking Permits


When do I provide an ERIT Contract?

  • This is a 1st time request from an employee or if there has been a break in the initial Contract.
  • There has been NO break in the Contract and the employee is seeking to increase or decrease the percentage of the current Contract.


What is Kronos?

Kronos is an electronic timekeeping system that captures time entries through a web interface and/or terminal device. These time entries are then converted into hours worked per day. At the end of the pay period these hours are paid to employees.

The Kronos Editor Training is a document that provides an overview of Kronos’s functionality as used by Kronos Editors. It goes over terminology, definitions, process and procedures, and features. Please click the button below to download the Kronos Editor Training document.

Kronos Editor Training

How do I access Kronos?

In order for you to obtain access to Kronos, you need to attend a Kronos class. As an authorized user, Kronos is accessible from any desktop computer on the UCLA network. After you logon to your PC, you will logon to the Kronos system at: using your Single Sign-on.

What is a “Kronos Editor” and what is their responsibility?

A Kronos Editor is the assigned editor to a department or group of employees and is responsible for reviewing and approving the Kronos timecards for the assigned employees. If you are a Kronos editor, you are expected to review periodically the records of the assigned employees to ensure that they get paid correctly.

How does the Kronos system record work time?

For non-exempt employees, each work time punch is recorded showing the ACTUAL TIME the employee punched in or out. At the end of the work shift, the total number of hours are rounded up or down to the nearest quarter hour within 7 minutes. (Note: the 7 minutes is NOT a grace period; it is used for rounding purposes only).

Example: Schedule time to begin work is 8:00 A.M.

  • Time entered at 7:53 – paid from 8:00A.M. Note: in this example, the employee reported to work early
  • Time entered at 8:07 – paid from 8:00A.M. Note: in this example, the employee reported to work late
  • Time entered at 8:10 – paid from 8:15A.M.Note: in this example, the employee reported to work late
  • Time entered at 7:48 – paid from 7:45A.M. Note: in this example, the employee reported to work early and as a result of the rounding rule, he/she may incur overtime.

The Scheduling Guide is a document that provides an overview of Kronos’s Scheduling functions. It goes over creating repeating weekly and monthly schedules, shifts, patterns, and use pay codes in schedules. Please click the button below to download the Scheduling document.

Scheduling Guide

How does Timestamp work?

For an authorized user with Timestamp access, upon logging on to Kronos, the first screen that appears is a “Time Stamp” option. This feature allows the employee to record a timestamp from within the Kronos system, similar to swiping in at a physical clock. Some departments may not have access to the timestamp feature. Please check with the HRPCN, if you have any questions.

What is Biometrics?

Some Kronos timekeepers are equipped with a biometric device, which captures the employee’s punches after the employee has swiped the employee ID card AND has placed a finger in the biometric device. In order to use this feature, the supervisor has to register the employee at the Kronos timekeeper.

How do I use my vacation or comp time accrued?

Internal departmental procedures should be followed to use vacation and comp time accrued. Some departments may have special forms you must use to request payment of vacation and/or comp time. Upon the Supervisor approving the time off, it should be communicated to the Kronos Editor for data entry into Kronos, provided that the employee has enough vacation or comp time accrued. Time must be entered in 15 minute increments for non-exempt employees and in 8 hour increments for exempt employees.

What do I do if I call in sick?

Internal procedures should be followed, so please check with your supervisor on the steps to follow. Upon you notifying your Supervisor, your time will be reflected in Kronos as sick, provided that you have enough sick leave accrued to cover your absence.

Who should I talk to regarding any time-related issues?

You should always communicate all time-related concerns (e.g., vacation, sick, employee development, jury duty, comp time, etc.) to your supervisor and/or Kronos editor who will ensure that your time and attendance are handled properly and resolve any issues you may have. If your Supervisor and Kronos editor are not available to handle an urgent request, you may refer your issue to the HRPCN.

Can I swipe in or out for someone else?

No. This is considered a serious infraction that constitutes grounds for disciplinary action, which could include dismissal.

Can I swipe out for the day, but continue to work?

No. Employees need to be compensated for all hours worked. If you need to stay at work to perform additional duties, you should first obtain the approval of your supervisor to work the additional time. Employees are generally paid for hours worked, whether they are approved or not. However, employees who work unapproved time may be subject to disciplinary action.

What if I can’t see an employee in my department list in Kronos?

Notify the HRPCN at ext. 5-5951 or with the missing employee’s name and UID number. You will be notified once the employee’s record has been updated accordingly. This usually occurs when the employee is a new hire, rehire, or if there were any changes to their appointment.

What if I am a Kronos Editor and missed the deadline to review the employee’s time records?

You will need to complete a Kronos corrections slip for each employee divided by pay period and submit to the HRPCN for manual adjustment. Payment will be made in the next available pay period. Please ensure that you have a backup Kronos Editor for your department who will review and approve time records if you are out of the office or unavailable.

Kronos Correction Slips are used by employees wanting to correct errant entries in their Kronos Timecard. Please click the button below to download the Kronos Correction Slip document.

Kronos Correction Slip

The 2017 Kronos Edits Deadlines document is used to show the due dates for when the Kronos Editors need to be completed prior to Payroll processing. These deadlines applies to Bi-Weekly and Monthly employees. Please click the button below to view the 2017 Kronos Edits Deadlines document.

2017 Kronos Edits Deadlines

When are the Kronos classes scheduled?

Classes are usually scheduled once a month on Fridays. To register, please call HR at ext. 5-5951 or email us at

Time Reporting System (TRS)

What is TRS?

The Time Reporting System, (aka TRS) is a web-based time reporting system. You will be able to record and track work hours and time taken via an electronic timesheet.

Please click on the button below to access the TRS Website

TRS Website

What are the benefits to using TRS?

  • TRS is a web-based timesheet, so it can never get lost or destroyed.
  • TRS provides a calendar format that is easy to read and navigate.
  • TRS provides a drop-down menu so it is easy to record non-productive time off such as vacation, sick, jury duty, etc.
  • TRS provides online workflow so it is easier for your supervisor to review and approve your timesheet.
  • You will have access to past approved timesheets if needed.
  • You will have secure access to TRS 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from any internet accessible device.

How do I access TRS?

You can access TRS by using your UCLA Logon ID and password.

I’m approved to work a 9/80 alternate work schedule. Will I be able to record my work hours in TRS?

Yes, approved 9/80 and 4/40 alternate work schedules can be recorded in TRS.

Sometimes I work two shifts on the same day. Can I use TRS to record my work hours?

Yes. TRS has a function that will allow you to enter multiple shifts in a work day, if needed.

I have a smartphone. Can I access TRS on it?

Yes, you can use any device that allows you access to the web page, such as smart phones (Droid, iPhone, Blackberry, etc.), or tablets (IPAD, Android, HP TouchPad, etc.).

Can I use TRS to report vacation and sick time?

Yes. You can report most non-productive time in TRS. Non-productive time includes sick, vacation, comp time off, Leave without Pay (LWOP), jury duty and voting time off.

Who should I contact if I have additional questions regarding TRS?

Please contact the HRPCN payroll analyst at extension 55818 or email us at for additional assistance.

Work Study

What is Work-Study?

Work-Study is a need-based form of Financial Aid that the student can earn through on or off-campus employment and receive in the form of a paycheck. The intent of the Work-Study Program is to encourage part-time employment and reduce the amount of loan debt incurred while attending college.

How does this help you?

As an employer, you only pay 50% of your Work-Study employee’s wages. The remaining 50% is paid by the Work Study program!


Worker's Compensation

What Is Worker’s Comp?

Workers’ Compensation is a mandatory coverage that is provided to all eligible employees in California. It is designed to provide employee with immediate medical attention and other benefits when they are injured or become ill at work. See UCLA Policy 305.1 for more information.

Who Does It Cover?

Workers’ Compensation benefits are afforded to employees of the University whose injury or illness arises out of their employment and occurs during the course and scope of their employment with the University. The definition of “employee” includes the following types of employees:

  • Limited Appointment, Career, Partial Year Career
  • Part-time, including students
  • Per Diem
  • Other employees who have an appointment in the payroll system

NOTE: Contractors, vendors and their employees are not employees of the University and must seek benefits from their employers should they become injured while on campus.

At Your Service Online (AYSO)

What is AYSO?

AYSO, the “At Your Service Online” is the UC benefits portal that allows you to do the following actions:

  1. Enroll in Benefits as a New Hire or During Open Enrollment
  2. View Your Earning Statement
  3. Update Contact Information:
    • Mailing Address
    • Telephone Number
    • Email Address
  4. Print or View Your W-2 and 1095 Forms
  5. Review the Retirement Estimator
  6. Change Tax Withholdings
  7. Update Beneficiaries
  8. Sign Up for Direct Deposit
  9. Review UCRP Balances
  10. Print an Employment Verification Letter

How do I set-up my AYSO account:

  • Please click on the button below to access AYSO website to set-up your account.
    AYSO – Account Setup
  • Select “New to UC and have a temporary password”
  • Enter your Social Security number and your temporary password. Your temporary password is your birthdate in the format mmddyyyy; for example, if your date of birth is June 17, 1981, your temporary password is 06171981.
  • Select “Sign In” and follow the instructions to create your permanent password. It must contain 6 to 12 alphanumeric characters. Then agree to the Password Authorization.
  • Follow the instructions to create a username.
  • Create a security word that a customer service or benefits representative can use to help identify you when you call for information.
  • Enter your preferred email address, so you are sure to get important messages about your benefits and other work-related issues.
  • Answer any 6 of the 12 challenge questions so that you can have access to your personal information if you forget your password.
  • For additional information, please click the button below to watch a video on how to set up your AYSO account:
    AYSO – Tutorial Video

What if I get locked out of my AYSO account?

Please click on the button below to access the AYSO password reset webpage.

AYSO – Password Reset

To log in to AYSO after your account has been reset, please follow the instructions above using your default login info which is your Date of Birth and Social Security number. After doing so, you will be prompted to create a password of your choice.

I didn’t set up my AYSO account within my first 30 days. What can I do?

If it’s been greater than 30 days since you were hired and you haven’t created an account, you will need to reset your login information. Please refer to the login reset info listed on this page.

What if I separate from the University? Can I still access my AYSO account?

If you have separated from the University, you have up to 5 years after your separation date to access AYSO and obtain forms such as your previous W-2s.

Bruin OnLine (BOL)

What is Bruin OnLine?

Bruin OnLine (BOL) is a collection of services. These services provide UCLA students, faculty, and staff with email, web hosting services, network connectivity including wireless, free software and support. In order to have access to BOL services, you must have a UCLA Logon ID.


What is a UCLA Logon ID?

The UCLA Logon ID is your campus online identifier. It is used for authentication to most online services on campus and is the first step in the campus’ attempt to migrate all systems to a “Single Sign-On” (SSO). It also provides eligible users with access to BOL services such as an e-mail account, campus wireless, VPN, proxy server, web hosting service, free software, etc. Previously, the UCLA Logon ID was called a Bruin OnLine ID, BOLid, BOL username, BOL account, etc.

Please remember that your UCLA Logon ID is a permanent campus identifier and cannot be changed. It will also double as your e-mail address if you are eligible for that service. Select your username carefully. You can create/lookup your UCLA Logon ID and/or reset a forgotten password at:


Changing/Resetting UCLA Logon ID Passwords

(From BOL Knowledgebase Article: KB0010992)

Your password protects your online identity from unauthorized access, maintaining the privacy of your e-mail messages and preventing other users from posing as you while performing malicious or illegal activities. If you suspect that another person may have access to your identity, change your password immediately.

Your password should be easy for you to remember but difficult for other individuals to guess. A good password consists of a combination of letters and other characters, often with unusual spelling and/or capitalization. To keep other individuals from guessing your password, do not use words such as your favorite color, the names of friends, family members, or pets, or numbers such as your birth date or telephone number.

Changing/Resetting My UCLA Logon ID Password

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

(From: BOL Knowledge Base Article: KB0012949)

Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is an additional layer of security for systems. A common example of MFA is a debit card: the card itself is the physical item you carry around (something you have), and the personal identification number (PIN) is the data that goes with it (something you know). Separating those two elements makes it more difficult for someone to access the user’s bank account because they would have to have the physical item in their possession and also know the PIN.

UCLA has done the same with the UCLA Logons, partnering with a company called Duo. After you enroll in MFA, when you login using your UCLA Logon ID, UCLA’s Single Sign-On system will prompt you to enter your UCLA Logon ID (e.g., ‘jbruin’) and your password (something you know) as usual. You will then use your smartphone or another device you’ve configured for MFA (something you have) to authorize your multi-factor authentication.

Please visit this article to learn more.


Enrolling in Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

For detailed, step-by-step instructions for enrolling in MFA, please visit BOL Knowledgebase Article: KB0012931.

To begin the process of enrolling in MFA, do the following:

  1. Using a web browser, visit
  2. Log into the application using your UCLA Logon ID and password.
  3. At the “About MFA in UCLA Logon” window, click on the [CONTINUE] button.
  4. Select the preferred device/method of authentication:
    • Smartphone
    • Tablet
    • Cellular Phone
    • Landline
  5. Follow the onscreen prompts on setting up your preferred method of authentication.
  6. At the end of the prompts, your primary preferred device/method of authentication should be complete.
  7. (OPTIONAL) It is recommended that a secondary device/method is also enrolled in MFA in case the primary device/method becomes unavailable. Repeat the above steps again to enroll a secondary device/method.


Help, I’ve Lost or Broken My Phone and Now I Can’t Logon! (MFA)

(From BOL Knowledgebase Article: KB0013211)

If you have registered backup devices or you have emergency passcodes (see info below) for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), you can authorize your logins using those options. If you do not have access to your backup device(s), did not create emergency passcodes, and your only MFA device was lost, broken, stolen, etc., please contact the Bruin OnLine Help Desk if you require assistance: Contact Bruin OnLine

For instructions on setting up emergency passcodes for MFA, visit BOL Knowledgebase Article: KB0013211.