At Your Service Online (AYSO)//= Titles\title(); ?>
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What is AYSO?
IMPORTANT NOTICE: At Your Service Online (AYSO) will no longer show earnings statements or allow benefit enrollment after October 2018. To view information regarding earnings, tax setup, and benefits review/enrollment, and accrual balances, please visit the UCPath Portal.
At Your Service Online (AYSO) is the University of California portal used to:
- Add/Update Beneficiaries
- View and Print Earning Statements (Before October 2018/Pre-UCPath Portal)
- View and Print W-2 and 1095 Forms (Before October 2018/Pre-UCPath Portal)
- Review the Retirement Estimator
- Review UCRP and CAP Balances
- Service Credit Purchase Estimator
How to set-up your AYSO account
In order to access AYSO, you will need to create a Username and Password.
- Go to
- Select “New to UC and have a temporary password”
- Enter your Social Security number and your temporary password. Your temporary password is your birthdate in the format mmddyyyy; for example, if your date of birth is June 17, 1981, your temporary password is 06171981.
- Select “Sign In” and follow the instructions to create your permanent password. It must contain 6 to 12 alphanumeric characters. Then agree to the Password Authorization.
- Follow the instructions to create a username.
- Create a security word that a customer service or benefits representative can use to help identify you when you call for information.
- Enter your preferred email address, so you are sure to get important messages about your benefits and other work-related issues.
- Answer any 6 of the 12 challenge questions so that you can have access to your personal information if you forget your password.
Now you’re all set.
Using the At Your Service Online Website
At Your Service Online (AYSO) Sign In
Forgot your Username or Password?
- Go to
- Under “Forgot your Username or Password?” select either “Username” or “Password.”
Locked out of At Your Service Online?
If you are locked out of AYSO and need to have your AYSO password reset, contact Alan Ackereisen via email and provide the following information:
- Name
- Date of Birth
He will reset the password and send instructions on logging onto AYSO.
To log in to AYSO after your account has been reset:
Follow the instructions above using your default login info which is your Date of Birth and Social Security number. After doing so, you will be prompted to create a password of your choice.